Botanical Customized Skin Care 2 |
Last 2 weeks i ade attend one of their Skincare Class wt my sis @Malacca, nawaitu ms tu just nk gatai pi ja..Lam klas tu die aja la how the right technic of Cleanser, make-up and etc.. Lam ati dok kata: slama ni aku dok cuci muka men belasah ja..hehe...Lam class tu i found out mcm best ja pkai their products..So, after the class i pon godek2 ngan my fren yg ajk i gi klas tu (die one of the Mary Kay Beauty Consultant a.k.a Azwa)..Finally, i pon bli la the whole set of Botanical Skin Care.. Lam tu ada Cleanser + Mask(yg sgttt bestt, bila pkai tulang pipi bleh nek hehe) + Freshener (yg ni pon best) + Moisturizer + Foundation (bes gak,yg ni plg suka) + Free Lipstick tp i tuka ngan Lip Gloss + Facial Cloth.. Total die RM355.00... Mula2 nk baya, t'ketaq2 gak la haha tp pkir sbb nk kulit lawa satu (chewahh) n pkir sama ja klo kita bli the outside product mcm Body Shop ke SK II ke, price dia lbh kurg, tp at least Mary Kay kita ade kita nye Beauty Consultant sendr, if any happen bli refer to them..kan?hemmm..x tau la, for me i think it's Worth buying..
So far i pakai rasa sgggttt best, kulit x b'minyak, x perlu pkai Bedak tebal2 sgt (org kata tuk ttp cacat cela) hehe.. So, sape2 rase nk cuba gtau i, k..At the same time blela tlg member i ni promote dia nya bisnes..